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The rocks give glory to God. Yes, even the rocks. The steel-grey, boring, useless rocks. Even the pebbles we kick aside as we stroll down the street. So now I must pose a question to you: do you give glory to God?

Okay, so let's think about it. Maybe you're thinking something like, "Oh, sure I give glory to God! I sing at church and I pray before my meals. All the stuff I'm supposed to do! I'm modest, I don't swear!" I'm not saying those are bad things, but I want you to think about something: when people look at you, do they see Jesus? Your Creator? Is that enough for people to see the Lord in you?

Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard." In other words, God's creation is proclaiming him, shouting that it is made by him and that he is the absolute Lord. And do you think the star-spattered skies can actually sing out praises of the Lord? Do you think they're singing in church? They aren't.

But what does all of this have to do with rocks? Well, they're the first thing I could think of that definitely cannot speak. In their natural state, without the interception of the Lord, they cannot speak and tell you "God made us, he's worthy and holy! Give him praise!" Yet take a moment and pick up a stone. Truly look at it. isn't it amazing? Isn't it lovely and intricate, even in all its rockiness? Do you think it could just happen? I don't.

So let's look back at us humans. I know that when I look up at the diamond-studded night sky, I can't help but stare in complete awe of the Lord. How could it be random and chance? I see the Lord in it, whether or not I try to. But when I look at my own life, if I'm being 100% honest, I don't see Jesus. I'm not positive that the light of Jesus shines through to all the world. Which is truly humbling. God calls us his masterpiece, meaning we're the best things he ever created... but I'm not showing that? What if the very rocks are giving God glory better than I am?

The next step is to understand why we're not giving God the glory he deserves. Think about this: can you fully and adequately describe the Lord? Can you explain him? Let me give you the answer: no. Simply no. It's not possible. All of the analogies and words you can think of will never be able to grasp his immense glory, power, and awesomeness. It doesn't help that words that used to mean so much more have been used in places where they truly don't fit. I love God. Unfortunately, I also say I love pizza. I obviously don't love them the same way, but it's not a big deal anymore. God's awesome. But so is that outfit. So when I say God's awesome, it means less. Do you see what I mean? But our widespread use of words isn't the only issue. Is it possible that maybe you're not as in love with the Lord as you could be, because you don't spend enough time with him? If you don't love him, or know him, as you could... it's kind of hard to give him glory.

Let's take a step back. I want to give you some encouragement. You're never going to be able to give Jesus all of the glory or love he deserves. That may sound discouraging, but think about it. That's just how amazing the God you serve is. All you can really do is love him. All you can really do is get to know him and give glory to him as best you can. Strive to show the world God.

So let's be practical. If we're honest, it can be so hard to make Godly choices, to even want to make godly choices. And making ungodly choices will never give glory to God. But when we get to know God, when we truly spend time with him and love him, we want to please him. Would you want to make your best friend angry? And don't they rub off on you when you spend time with them? That's how it should be with God. He's much greater a friend than any human companion you will ever have, but comparisons are sometimes the closest we can come to truly understanding.

Alright, friend. Are you ready to give glory to God? Remember, start by spending time with him. Start by learning to love him fully. And let him be your best friend.

May you give glory to the Lord forever. Until and beyond the day you die.

Peace be with you.

Love, Ana

How can you be intentional to give glory to God? What's the next step? Are you close to the Lord, in awe of him, or do you need to focus on drawing nearer to him first?

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